Monday, August 3, 2009

Why I Love You

My Baby,
Even though we are in the midst of a tense moment I need to remind us both why I love you so. I am going to list 50 reasons now (in no particular order since I'm coming and going from this post today as I handle the boys and household stuff too)...

1. You have the capacity to make me feel more than any other person can or ever has on so many levels.

2. We have enough common interests that we will always have things to do together.

3. We have enough separate interests that we can do our own thing at times and not feel like we are leaving each other behind.

4. You are so very intelligent.

5. You balance my touchy-feely personality with logic.

6. You are responsible.

7. You took control of the finances without making me feel like a moron.

8. You are an amazing father. I love to watch you with the boys.

9. You look at the future and make plans, yet can be spontaneous when fun is in order.

10. You planted trees with me... I always wanted trees.

11. You kept me focused when I gave birth to our son... even though you were so focused you didn't know the music had stopped!

12. You make the ends meet and the pieces fit.

13. You stimulate my mind. You don't settle for idle thoughts and keep me on my toes.

14. We agree on general politics.

15. We share most values even if they are in a different order.

16. You always get us safely where we are going... navigationally and by driving most of the time.

17. You eat my cooking and appear to usually enjoy it.

18. You laugh out loud... I really love that.

19. You undertand, or at least tolerate, my need to cheer or take care of the underdogs and down-on-their-lucks.

20. You were there for me when I got sick shortly after we got started and you stuck through my recovery instead of running away.

21. You respect my need to do my job 110% when I'm working, even if it means weekends and extra hours or kids calling/texting all the time.

22. You enjoy a glass of wine.

23. You don't get grossed out by female stuff... especially through the pregnancy.

24. I trust you because I know I can.

25. You want to do things as a family and make that a priority even though the logistics are sometimes challenging.

26. You have a respectable career that you worked hard to attain and continue to work hard to maintain & advance.

27. You let me get a dog, and even like him a little sometimes.

28. You come to my shows and often help with them too.

29. You are warm and welcoming to my family.

30. You are thinking of my family and their importance to me as we look at possible locations to reside.

31. You like to go do things. I have done more and seen more in our years together than ever before in my life.

32. You're life doesn't revolve around sports, but rather things we can all do together... not to say that games now and again aren't important!

33. You are learning an instrument in your 30's.

34. You think practically when I can't.

35. You volunteer sometimes to help your community.

36. You are loyal to those important to you.

37. You've shown me other countries.

38. You bring another culture to the life of our child.

39. You mow the grass.

40. You wash the cars.

41. You enjoy reading and respect that I do to, even if we don't always read the same things.

42. You encourage me to be a better educator and director.

43. You patiently waited for me to let go of some of the "stuff" that was important to me, but pushed me to prioritize until we could fit our lives together when you moved in.

44. You are outdoorsy. ie. hiking, walking, nature appreciation, etc.

45. You touch me a lot. I know I can get irritable when I'm doing something and you want to touch me, but I secretly love that you want to touch me all the time.

46. You seem to appreciate that I do things for you, like get your breakfast things ready or pack your lunch each day.

47. When you question something you seek the answer rather than blow it off.

48. You have a fun & unique sense of humor. ie. you were saying that you wanted to name Jansen "Danger."

49. You research important purchases and check ratings. ie. car seat, computer thingys, etc.

50. The fact that what I feel about you matters to you.

Note that none of these mention the physical things I love about you, like the fact that you have only a little bit of tickly head hair to rub; that you have a squeezable tush; that you have incredible lips and know exactly how to use them; that you have deep and beautiful eyes; that your smile is infectious; that you have a scrumptious chest with nice firm pecs and just the right amount of snuggly hair; that you are very good at business meetings; that you smell like the woods from Wisconsin mixed with cinnamon and maple syrup; or that you have great teeth and arms.

I don't know Baby. I just thought that I'd make sure I wrote this all down for you (and I guess for me too) so that when things were tense we'd both have a reminder of what I love about you. I know often times I don't know what you see in me, so I am trying to give you something tangible so that you don't ever have to wonder that same thing yourself.

Love you,

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